I want you to love her…

…and thank the Almighty you did not emerge from her.

“If you keep giving away these pieces of your heart Mummy, what’s going to be left to beat in your chest?”

“That’s really pithy Zaiby. Have you been watching those bollywood dvds with the subtitles turned on?”


I want this character to be so much of all I admire and fear, yet I know she can’t be everything. Blogging bits of her here, I hope you can help me string together her DNA.

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I am a writer and photographer (look up my work on www.shootcake.com) based in Johannesburg, South Africa. I have an MA in Creative Writing from the university currently known as Rhodes. My writing accolades include winning the 2014 Writivism Short Story Prize and the 2020 Ingrid Jonker Poetry Prize for my debut collection, Zikr.

6 thoughts on “I want you to love her…”

  1. We certainly do become our mothers, I think that will unhinge Zaiby slightly, eventually.
    But for now, she’s not that important to me.
    I was referring to Sakinah Bhai in this extract. Creating her. Having her become.
    This writing stuff is bloody hard work:)

    Click on the tag “the daughter of no one famous’ to pull up all the older posts.

  2. hey, i cant find the previous post on this novel writing…

    zaiby… everything u admire and fear…
    those words stuck out cos they highlight the admiration in simple words to her mother… and the fear of emotional enslavement… diaologue is a precarious thing, also a loaded thing to play with. awesome:)

    so. what makes zaiby special in ordinariness. and what makes zaiby ordinary. and what about sitting on the edge of that ordinariness scares u, that she might just tip over that ledge… and risk scorn of a man or society or or or… if at all 😉

    what are her what ifs??
    and what are HER fears. that she might do the very thing that she fears?

  3. She sounds like someone who loves her mother dearly and has this need to care for and protect her…daughter becomes mother?

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